How to let go

June 2024

Hello Dear Reader // Hoi lieve lezer,

Thanks for subscribing to our Kaapsche Hollandsche Monthly Table Talk.

Hello June, we have to let go of May 2024. Finished she is, not to be repeated again.

In our May Table Talk, we spoke about how to take care and be careful.

To have and to hold,
for better for worse
and then sometimes we need to let go.

To sum it up for you: Letting go is a decision of the will.

By the way; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, etc. etc. is a marriage vow.

Obviously we are not talking of letting go in that perspective. Let’s look at holding on versus letting go in other areas.

Life is a culmination of saying goodbye, farewell and hello, isn’t it?
It is scary to let go though.

We all have the tendency to hold on to what we have. However these three sisters: ‘Smother’, ‘Suffocate’ and ‘Safeguard’ are costly for you to host.

How to let go is a skill that needs mastering. How do we get rid of the above-named sisters who occupy such a big space?

As long as you are holding on and ‘suffocating’ that what is dear to you, your path of possibilities is blocked.

The holding can be mental, emotional, spiritual or physical. In any case, it is most probably a sign of fear.

Holding on is not the same as taking care of what you value or protecting that which is yours.

Quickly; think what you feel you need to let go of?
First thing that comes to mind?
Student child? Financial stress? Bad memory? Your right to win?

If you are afraid to lose what you have, it can point to distrust-meaning your consciousness is grounded in lack.

Somewhere in the back of your mind, there is a belief that there is not enough cake for all of us.

There may also be a belief deeply rooted in your core that when the good stuff (cake) comes around, you will not be getting any…

Holding on is what most people do when they are afraid they don’t deserve more. They safeguard to such an extent that all life is sucked out it.

When you really believe that people are worthy of the best, that humanity deserves the best and that there is enough of the best for you to have plenty, there will be no need for you to grab, cling or clutch what you have. (Smother, Suffocate or Safeguard)

Once you have given it over – handed it back to God – you have mastered letting go.

You will no longer live in fear that by losing what you have, your life will somehow be diminished. When you can stop holding on and learn to let go, you begin to realize that your blessings are indeed a gift from God.

In Isaiah 43:18-19 it says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

Until now, you may have been holding on to things and people in fear that they could not or would not be replaced in your life. Give them back to God. He knows how to look after His own.

Allow yourself to imagine what your life would be like if your hands and heart were to receive something better than what you are holding on to right now. Can you trust God for that?

Can you Let Go and Let God?

Start making memories around your table; let go of perfection, embrace enjoyment and freedom.

Your sister,
Nelleke van Heerden

2 thoughts on “How to let go”

  1. Aah Nelleke!!! Dis so waar en mooi gesê! Dankie vir die wysheid wat ons almal hier kan leer. xxx

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