February 2025
Hello Dear Reader // Hoi lieve lezer,
Thanks for subscribing to our Kaapsche Hollandsche Monthly Table Talk.
Last month (click here) you could read all about how to keep friendships and cultivate them best.
Although February is called the month of love… this month’s table talk is about trouble.
A great comfort;
trouble comes to pass, not to stay.
Somehow, in the midst of what seems to be the worst possible thing that could happen to you, may you find the strength that you need to persevere.
Courage needs to be developed so that you will be empowered to take the next step.
You must face the challenge straight between the eyes in order to realize that challenge comes to make you, not break you.
Losing a job, a court case, home, loved one or finances can be a devastating experience.
Your challenge may be a child or family member who has gone astray.
You could be faced with an unexpected change like a divorce or a life threatening illness.
Whatever your challenge may be, it rocks you to the core.
Remember that you are up for the task.
Yes, remind yourself (talk to yourself) that you do have the strength.
Remember that you can trust life to give you the courage that is required to do anything or face anything.
As painful or frightening as the difficulty may be, you will do what needs to be done because you have no other choice. Giving up is not an option!
Give yourself a moment to take a breath. Allow everything that you are feeling and thinking to move through your body. The moment that you feel that you can’t take it or won’t make it, reach down into the essence of your being. From that place pull out a scream.
Then pray, which basically means talk to God.
God help me!
Give me Your wisdom and strength and courage please!
Tell yourself, I am choosing better not bitter.
This challenge, no matter what it is, has come to make you bigger, brighter, stronger, more loving and compassionate. It will not break you! Trust the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Trust life. You will make it through this! He is only a prayer away and already present in your tomorrow.
Just waiting on you to call Him.
Ask that you be guided through the next minute, hour or day to a place of peace.
Trouble comes to pass not to stay!
Making memories is not always pleasant- some memories are bittersweet.
But they need to be shared.
It may well give someone else the courage to push through after hearing your story!

Start making memories around your table, it will make you truly rich!
Met liefde,
Nelleke van Heerden